
Published work

"An extended period of elevated influenza mortality risk follows the main waves of influenza pandemics" (2023), Social Science & Medicine (co-authored with K. Angelopoulos, R. Mancy and M. Schroeder).

"Cyclical labour income risk in Great Britain" (2021), Journal of Applied Econometrics (co-authored with K. Angelopoulos and J. Malley)

"The distributional consequences of rent-seeking" (2021), Economic Inquiry (co-authored with A. Angelopoulos, K. Angelopoulos, and A. Philippopoulos)

"The distributional implications of asymmetric income dynamics" (2020), European Economic Review (co-authored with K. Angelopoulos and J. Malley)

Briefing notes and reports

Medium-run wealth inequality following COVID-19 (2021), (co-authored with K. Angelopoulos, Rebecca Mancy and Max Schroeder) link here. We examine potential medium-run effects of the COVID-19 recession on household-level wealth inequality in the UK. We use macroeconomic modelling analysis to study short and long recession scenarios. Overall, we find large increases in wealth inequality, with substantial reductions in wealth for households in routine occupations.

Post-pandemic mortality dynamics: historical city-level evidence (2020), (co-authored with K. Angelopoulos, Rebecca Mancy and Max Schroeder) link here. Using municipal archive data from Glasgow, we studied the implications of the 1918-19 influenza pandemic, finding that it was followed by a prolonged period of volatility in mortality from related infectious diseases.

Turkana pastoralists at risk: Why education matters (2020), (co-authored with K. Angelopoulos, Dorice Agol, Rebecca Mancy and Elissaios Papyrakis) link here. Our research shows that Turkana pastoralists are increasingly embracing education as a means of earning a livelihood. We have identified perceived obstacles to education which are linked to sociocultural characteristics of the Turkana pastoralists, as well as external factors that are beyond their control, such as infrastructure and the physical environment. We are also able to highlight the expected benefits from education, including as a source of employment and income, as a way to diversify livelihoods, and to advance social status.

Voices of the Turkana People, Friends of Lake Turkana (2020), (co-authored with K. Angelopoulos, Dorice Agol, Rebecca Mancy and Elissaios Papyrakis) link here. This booklet is a collection of local narratives which presents the voices of Turkana pastoralists living in these local communities. The views expressed are those conveyed by local people themselves. The booklet was distributed in primary schools in Turkana to initiate discussions on the cultural and economic characteristics of the Turkana communities, and how these interact with gender issues, future prospects for the young populations, environmental and educational challenges, and the ability to cope with future risks. The booklet will encourage critical reflective debate among pupils on these matters and is available both in English and Kiturkana, the language of the Turkana People.

Working Papers

"Debt targets and fiscal consolidation in a two-country HANK model for the Euro Area" (2023), (with Xiaoshan Chen and Petros Varthalitis) R&R at Quantitative Economics.

"Pandemic-Induced Wealth and Health Inequality and Risk Exposure" (2021), (with K. Angelopoulos, Rebecca Mancy and Max Schroeder).

"The Distributional Effects of Peer and Aspirational Pressure" (with K. Angelopoulos and J. Malley).

"Resource Risk and the Origins of Inequality: Evidence from a Pastoralist Economy" (2023), (with D. Agol, K. Angelopoulos, R. Mancy and E. Papyrakis) R&R at the Journal of Political Economy